I know that were a few days away from a certian event and that scares me to no end. Im sittin here 9:45p MDT and theres a house just across from me with a christmas tree up. yes thats right. a christmas tree. now i know that were just under 90days away and there is snow up in the mountians ( i saw it on sunday as i was commin back from SunRidge Mall) but thats besides the point. cant we get things like over with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Rememberance first, sure i unloaded 8 pallets of halloween candy yesterday and 4 palletes of pumpkin pie today, but damnit people give us a break. hell we just got our sears wishbook a month a go. now i know some of you may quite possably have your shoppin done now ( right mom) but thats only because you either :
a) have the money
b) sending it either out of country or overseas
c) just becuase you want it over with
dont get me wrong, its nice to get ahead of these things but at the same time you may forget what ya bought and buy some more, so if thats the case well then ya got birthdays overwith