Happy New Year my friends.. So heres the thing I have set 3 new years resolutions
1) im just gunna keep on doing what im doing right now and keep havin fun doing it.
2) im gunna get my butt up to the columbia ice fields too check out the glaciers
3) I AM gunna go back to nova scotia in june..come hell or high water i will be there. been 10yrs since i left and havent looked back since
thats it.. i dont smoke so i dont have worry about quitting that..im not gunna cut back on the beer since the hours i do work are odd and i werk about 1/2 the weekends in the month so thats no big deal, and lastly im not gunna get in shape / lose weight since i get a decent work out at work and mountian bike in the summer, if anything im gunna gain some bulk and thats it. nothing drastic or insane just stuff id like to do. that and maybe take flying lessions but we will see about that one! *lol*