What a weekend !!!!!! I went and say my parents this past weekend, and lord t'underin jesus it was fun. Left Calgary at 7:30a, fuels up and off on the grand 6hr adventure. Stopped in at Hanna, Ab ( home of Nicleback! ) as well ast stretch stops at Oyen Ab, and Kindersley Sk for a large double double and a snack pack of 40 timbits. Got into Saskatoon at 2p just as I had predicted. After gettin unloaded and settled down it was off the the double deuce bar that the folks goto..after having a few brews and gettin my ass kicked at pool, as per usual, it was time to head back for supper, and ohh lord have mercy it was good. On saturday it was time for some shoppin, so we headed over to futureshop for some printer ink and some minor groceries, ( mandarin dressing and mushrooms!!!!!) then baaaaaack to the double deude for some refreshments as it was damn close to 40c ( 110F for you yanks) and for supper was praries surf and turf. Steaks and shrimp. and yes the taste buds went "omfg you gotta be kidding..exotic flavors !!!" and for desert. a trip to homestyle ice cream in my old neighborhood. and that was the icing on the cake. the rest of the night as fun as hell..drinkin and shootin the shit. on saunday it was relaxing day...went and bought a book. then for a bit me and my bud( dad ) went up for some drinks and came home.. supper was ribs and salad. that was unnnnbelievably good and for desert, angel food cake and strawberries.. that was my b'day cake which is all right by me. Monday it was time to come home. and it was along one. I did however slip my bud (dad ) $20 as per tradition. You see everytime I see my bud, i slip him some cash so he can havce a nice cold one one me, sureI know I shouldn't but hey what the hell. I can easily afford it. This may be the last time I see them before they go stateside to spend christmas with sis in Iowa andtake care of my new nephew or niece, but some how I have this feelin its a boy.
God i love going home for a break.. sure feels good then again so does a nice cold beer with its 35c ( 104degF )out !!!!!!!!!