Well, its been 2 FULL months since I started the anti-junkfood kick and its been going very very well. In the last 2 months I have maybe slipped a total of 5 times but all they were were small bags of chips and 2 chocolate bars. So sue me I slipped, whoopty shit!!!. Last night was a real test. You see I closed last night and the busses stop runnig here in calgary at 11:15pm, so I ended up walking home. I left the store at 11:30pm and when I got home its was 12:05am. A total of 35mins to walk home from that store and that includes a total of 2 2minute stops for lights, so If I hadn't have had to stop for those, it would have taken me exactially 30mins to walk home, mind you it sure helps having a mp3 player playing and that was niiiiiiiiiiiiice.
When I got home, I took the boots off so the feet could breath, put some water in the microwave to make a cup of tea, turned on the computer and into my comfy clothes ( family guy sleeper-pants and a white t-shirt) , I realized that I wasn't even tired nor was I even wore out. I felt invigorated !!!! Now that spring is here and the weathers getting better im gunna be riding my bike to and from work and maybe some times, walk home. Mind you it all depends on the weather of course.