Hells All-night Kitchen and BBQ Palace !!!

"So as you read this know my friends... I'd love to stay with you all... Smile when you think of me... My body's gone that's all... .... A tout le monde (To all the world)... A tout les amis (To all my friends)... Je vous aime (I love you)... Je dois partir (I have to leave)... These are the last words I'll ever speak... And they'll set me free ........................ Megadeth "Tout Le Monde"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just when you thought it was safe to go down the cookie isle......

Just when you thought there was nooooooooooo other way to possably eat kraft dinner, they do this......
what ever will the think of next. Spam flavored cookies

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Windows Vista...Good or Bad

Well since my old machine crapped out on me I decided to save up and a buy a new one. So sure enough 3 weeks ago I did. Its a Acer Aspire AMD Athlon LE-1640 2.7GHz Desktop Computer with a 160 gig hard-drive, 1 gig of ram, and a 16X Dual-Layer DVD Burner which will allow me to watch and or copy a dvd. After bring it home and gettin it running, i had a little glitch when it came to getting some software, but after a while I got it back up and running. Now it looks really nice, easy to use and user friendly BUT I did have some minor problems with one thing in particular. Internet Explorer. Seems that for some reason it didnt like the idea of using java scripting. but after doing some looking i found what i was looking for. So how do I like it. Id give it a 7 out of 10. ALOT of programs dont like vista or have been upgraded to run on it. But in time that will come.
Heres the description for my computer:
Microsoft Windows Vista: