Hells All-night Kitchen and BBQ Palace !!!

"So as you read this know my friends... I'd love to stay with you all... Smile when you think of me... My body's gone that's all... .... A tout le monde (To all the world)... A tout les amis (To all my friends)... Je vous aime (I love you)... Je dois partir (I have to leave)... These are the last words I'll ever speak... And they'll set me free ........................ Megadeth "Tout Le Monde"

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Birth Of The Gopherboy!!!!!

September 17, 1997. That was the day that Gopherboy was born. The legend begins at Tim Hortons in Greenwood Nova Scotia after a night of shooting pool at the arcade in the mall, we (Trevor, Steve, Mark, Barry, Rob, Tascha and myself) went to tim hortons for coffee and donuts. After several double doubles and a few snackpacks of timbits, I told the guys I was leaving and my best bud Trevor said "Well since your headed west to the land of wheat and gophers, and since your part newfoundlander, I guess that would make you a what now a gopherb'y" So since that day I have ben the gopherboy. And so the legend was born.

A wise man once said "There is an ancient legend which warns that, should we ever learn our true origin, our universe will instantly be destroyed. " and althought you now know... Everything is still here!!!!!!! Go figure

Night Crew...A Learning Experence !

Well I survived working nightcrew. What, you may ask, did I learn. Well for starters. I did like the extra $2 a hour and not having to deal with customers and working uninterupted, thats was nice. Bad side working from 10:30pm to 7: 00am, comming home at 7:30am gearing down and going to bed at 8:00am and getting up between 3:00pm and 5:00pm. The night crew guys are, to put it mildly, a bit nuts to begin with so thats good. Going for well lunch/supper at 1am is kinda wierd, then having 2 15min breaks, one at 3:00am and the other at 6:00am. But all in all a good learning experence, I have discovered that I work between 50 and 60 pieces a hour of stock which is a bit suprising since i thought it might have been a bit less, but now that I know, I'm quite surpised. Would I do it again, sure but not for a while!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Latest Addciction !!!!

This is my latest addiction. The ice cream sandwich. I really dunno why, but I just cant stop eatin these things. A friend of mine things its because its " because its like cakeish with ice cream" which makes sense since I do like both. The come in a few different varieties like vanilla, neopolitan, chocolate mint and chocolate. On the flip side you can make your own since Christies Cookies sell the chocolate wafers and of course theres many kinds of ice cream so technically you could have a coffee ice cream sandwich. The possabilities are indeed endless.

For the health conscious theres a brand called "Skinny Cow" and they put out a low fat version for those on a diet. they have vanilla, vanilla/chocolate, strawberry shortcake, mint, cookies and cream and chocolate peanutbutter. Me i prefer the Nestle Ice Cream bars, also Lucerine makes a good one too Which brings me to a idea. I should try making my own and see what possabilities may come up. Sounds like a challenge to me, so I'll keep you posted.

On a different note, im on my last 3 days on nightcrew and once I'm done at 7a on monday,i dont go back untill 6:30am on thursday morning, so i guess thats kinda 3 days off, then i work thurs to next thurs and then....HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!


Skinny Cow

Saturday, July 05, 2008

A New Safeway Adventure

Tonight I add another chapter to the life at safeway. At 11:30pm saturday night I start on the night crew. What you may ask is night crew, well to put it quite simply. Restocking the store from 11:30pm to 8:00am the next morning. I'll be working with frozen, grocery and dairy products for the next 6 days. Its gunna be a bit wierd for the first few days getting use to a new sleeping schedule. What do I get out of it, well no dealing with customers, no cashing on till, and and extra $2 a hr so for the week I'll be making $20.35 a hour. Sure sounds nice huh, well it is, only down side is comming home at 8:30am, being drained and trying to get some sleep when the suns shining, its hot, airplace leaving the airport (which is a 10 minute drive away and just on the other side of Deerfoot Trail) and busses going by basically every 15 minutes (route 5 downtown and 4 up to the 78th st terminal). So I'll see how this week goes, who knows I may volenteer to go on it maybe for 2 weeks every 2 months just for extra cash right before holidays.

Only time will tell..........................