Hells All-night Kitchen and BBQ Palace !!!

"So as you read this know my friends... I'd love to stay with you all... Smile when you think of me... My body's gone that's all... .... A tout le monde (To all the world)... A tout les amis (To all my friends)... Je vous aime (I love you)... Je dois partir (I have to leave)... These are the last words I'll ever speak... And they'll set me free ........................ Megadeth "Tout Le Monde"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My New Toy

Well I have a new toy. I recently upgraded to digital cable and ohh my lord, what a blast it is. I went from a mere 60 channels 2 weeks ago to over 165 digital channels, 40 digital music channels, 11 sports channels, and 6 movie channels. As well i get canadian time shifting which allows me to watch channels all across canada from CVIT from Vancouver BC to NTV from St John's Newfoundland. So ohhhh yes I am enjoying this investment alot, especially the time shifting. Since nova scotia is 3hrs ahead and newfoundland is 3.5 hrs ahead, i if a show is on here in calgary at 9pm its on at 6pm here with the timeshifting. For example tomorrow is monday and the season premiere of CSI:Miami is on ctv (channel 3 ) at 10pm my time BUT with canadian timeshifting, i can watch it at 7pm on ATV ( channel 75) ...mmmmmmmmmmmmm new toys..gotta love 'em.

Here is a list of ALL the channels i get

The best way to see all the channels is to cli. The ck on the "CH" and that will sort them by channel.. The only channels I dont get are HDTV, Digitial Premium or Superchannel.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Just When You Thought Nothing Good Was On TV

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go again. Just when you thought there was nothig but political bullschit on tv with the american republican and democratic conventions on us tv, it gets worse. today at 7:00am EST, our dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper, called an election for october 14th (one day after the Thanksgiving holiday. HOWEVER it is conterversial decision condsidering that in calling the election, Harper ignored his own law for a fixed election date. The Conservatives had set Oct. 19, 2009, for the next vote.

Unlike the us political system with only 2 parties to choose from, Republicans and Democrats, In canada we have several to choose from. We have:

Bloc Québécois , Conservative Party Of Canada, Liberal Party Of Canada ,New Democratic Party
and, The Green Party
For all you latest info you can goto

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Calgary Transits New Colours and Additions

Calgarys new Shuttle Bus. Ive seen these runnin on routes 86/88 from the Loop at 78th St

Route 301 - BRT North / West now provides direct, limited stop downtown bus service for north and west Calgary communities. The service operates seven days a week with a frequency of 10 minutes during the weekdays peak periods and 30 minutes frequency at other times.

The #5. This is the bus that I take to work, and sometimes all the way downtown and back just because I can,.