Hells All-night Kitchen and BBQ Palace !!!

"So as you read this know my friends... I'd love to stay with you all... Smile when you think of me... My body's gone that's all... .... A tout le monde (To all the world)... A tout les amis (To all my friends)... Je vous aime (I love you)... Je dois partir (I have to leave)... These are the last words I'll ever speak... And they'll set me free ........................ Megadeth "Tout Le Monde"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 Year In Review!!!

Where to being. Well it started off kinda on the blah and boring side , then in febuary, my life fell to pieces and went to shit. I had a major bombshell dropped on me that I never expected. The girl I loved and gave 6yrs of my life to, told me that she didnt love me anymore. That tore me apart inside and I wasnt sure what to do. After talkin about things I moved out into my own place and started over AGAIN for the 2nd time in my life. Sure it was rough being alone again. I found myself sad, lonely, depressed and just miserable. Then I started to get use to things and it wasnt long before I was back on my feet. I went out a couple of times but it wasnt the same. I found myself missing the person i was with, but I knew i had to move on. So i started small with a new tv, then a new computer, then a new sofa, and then a new monitor for my computer. Now im to the point where im suitably happy. The for my last week of holidays, I went home to Saskatoon for my birthday. Had an amazing time hoew with my folks just relaxing and not worrying about work. And most recently I started seeing someone and weve been dating for 2 months. We work around our schedules and are spending alot of time together. And now, 2 weeks away from christmas, Im flying home to spend time with my parents that I havent spent a christmas with in nearly 6 years.

What will 2009 bring?? I don't really know but god only knows it will start off a hell of alot better than 2008 did. That I know !!