As 2006 nears its end its time to reflect on the year that was 2006. I started off the year in North Battleford, Sk working at the Battlefords co-op Market Place. Then i made the very tuff decision to leave and head for grener pastures. So in April 1st I gave my 2 weeks notice and that stunned alot of people. I was getting bored doing the same thing day after day and I needed a change, so I made one. On april 15th i moved to Calgary, sure it was major change but i had alot of people backing me up and helping me make the move. Sure it was ruff going for 2 weeks getting use to the city and finding my way around, but I pulled it all up anf got down to business of lookin for a job, and sure enough I found one. I went into the Beddington Safeway and wham, within 10mins i had a full time job working in the grocery end. Little did I know what I had gotten myself into. I made my self at home and started fitting in right off the bat. I had Julie, Tim, Drew and Raphael make me fell welcome and i fit right in. After thre 1st week I knew this was the place for me. I never did the same thing day after day, it was a constant "what will this day bring me" mentality. Sure theres some stuff that ya do day to day but thats broke up over the week. Sure we work Pepsi (yuck) coke ( yum) Hostess/Old Dutch (mmmm) Lays (blah) Christies and Dare orders but thats no biggy, its when you start off the day doing say working Coke and the next thing ya know its 2pm and you filling the dairy. then after that your up at the front running a till. I love it, you never know whats gunna happen day to day.
I've managed to see some Flames games, a couple of Stampeders games even been to 2 concerts here in the last while. been to a couple of shopping malls ( i still like the Eau Clare Market downton) , been to the top of Nose Hill Park on my mountian bike and loving every single minute of it, all i gotta do now is go over to canada olympic park and have a run on a bobsled down the bobsled track from the 1988 olympics that were held here, that i'll do in maybe febuary.
So thats my year in review, been alot of changes for me both mentally, emotionaly and physically, and thru all of this I have all my friends back in Battleford to thank and to mom and bud to thank you for all your support. not bad for a kid from Greenwood NS. who would have thought 10yrs ago when I left that id be living and working in Calgary, Ab not me thats for damn sure. May 2007 be one hell of a ride !!!!!
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